Buy Xeomin online. PayPal
Active ingredient: Botulinum toxin type A.
Drug class: Drugs that affect neuromuscular transmission.
Other brand names: Bocouture, Lantox, Dysport.
Xeomin is a drug of spasmodic action, it eliminates muscle tissue spasm. Xeomin is used in cosmetology to fight wrinkles and hyperhidrosis, for therapeutic purposes and in sports - to relieve muscle tone.
Country of manufacture: Germany.
Manufacturer: Merz Pharma.
Form of release: One package contains 1 bottle of lyophilizate 50IU / 100IU for preparation of solution for intramuscular injection.
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Buy Xeomin
يستخدم خبراء التجميل Xeomin لتصحيح تجاعيد الوجه:
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كما يتكيف Xeomin بشكل جيد مع تقلصات العضلات.
يستخدم Xeomin في الحالات التالية:
- تجاعيد الوجه
- تشنج عضلات الذراع بعد السكتة الدماغية.
- خلل التوتر العضلي العنقي (صعر تشنجي) ، بشكل أساسي بشكل دوار ؛
- تشنج الجفن.
Patients do not need complicated preparations for the upcoming procedure.
It is obligatory to keep the skin clean and integral. Coverings should not be inflamed, irritated. It is important to have a natural skin structure: abrasive thinning (resurfacing, peeling) is excluded.
The procedure is performed in good health. It is desirable to perform manipulations in the middle of the cycle in women.
It is not recommended before the injection of Xeomin:
- Taking alcohol 1-5 days before manipulation;
- taking antibiotics, anticoagulants 1-2 weeks before manipulation;
- actions that provoke blood flow in the area of alleged injections (physical activity, massage, prolonged head-down tilting) the day before exposure.
It is recommended not to consume an excessive amount of fluid, makeup, smoke, or be stressed just before the procedure (3-4 hours).
The procedure involves a preliminary consultation with a doctor.
Xeomin injections are performed in a vertical body position. The skin is pre-cleaned and treated with an antiseptic.
For local anesthesia, ice is used. Xeomin injections are comparable to an insect bite. The pain at the injection of the solution is minimal.
All manipulations with Xeomine are performed exclusively in front of the patient's eyes.
The drug is injected with a thin insulin syringe. Depending on the problems solved, the doctor chooses the technology of exposure, determines the number of Xeomin units used. When a patient gets acquainted with the drug, cosmetologists prefer to underestimate the dosage, in order to protect from the danger of undesirable consequences.
Xeomine dose for eyebrow raise: 5 IU.
Xeomine dose for lips: 3-6 IU.
Xeomine dose for chin: 2-6 IU.
Xeomine dose for Crow's eyes: 5-15 IU.
Xeomine dose for interbrow: 10-25 IU.
Xeomine dose for forehead: 10-30 IU.
Xeomine dose for neck: 25-50 IU.
Xeomine dose for facelift: 40-60 IU.
How to inject Xeomin for blepharospasm?
The recommended initial dose is 1.25-2.5 IU (0.05-0.1 ml) in each injection site; the preparation is injected into the medial and lateral part of the eye circular muscle of the upper eyelid and into the lateral part of the eye circular muscle of the lower eyelid.
If vision is impaired due to spasms in the forehead, the lateral parts of the eye circular muscles and the upper face, additional injections may be made in these areas.
If the effect of the initial dose was not sufficient (duration <2 months), in repeated procedures, the dose can be doubled. Initial dose should not exceed 25 IU per 1 eye. In each place should not be administered a dose exceeding 5 IU. In treatment of blepharospasm the total dose for 12 weeks of treatment should not exceed 100 IU.
How fast does Xeomin work?
The Xeomin action begins, on average, within 4 days after the injection.
How long does Xeomine last?
The effect of each procedure usually lasts 3-4 months, although it may last significantly longer or less.
How to inject Xeomin for Spastic torticollis?
In the treatment of spastic torticollis, the dosage of Xeomin should be selected individually for each patient, depending on the position of the neck and head, localization of pain, muscle volume (hypertrophy, atrophy), body weight of the patient and his reaction to the therapeutic procedures.
In treatment practice, the maximum dose of the drug during one procedure usually should not exceed 200 IU. In the same place should not be administered a dose of the drug exceeding 50 IU.
Therapy of the spastic torticollis includes injections into the sterno-clavicular muscles, into the muscles that lift the scapula; into stair muscles, belt muscles and/or trapezoidal muscles. Xeomin should not be injected into both the sternum-occipital muscles.
By injecting in several places, the drug can evenly cover the areas of muscles exposed to dystonia (especially when injected into large muscles). The optimal number of injection sites depends on the size of the muscle.
The action of the drug begins, on average, within 7 days after the injection. The interval between procedures should be at least 10 weeks.
Which needles should I use to inject Xeomin?
The needles 25, 27 and 30 G are used for injections into surface muscles, and 22 G for deep muscles.
- allergy to the components of the drug;
- disorders of neuromuscular transmission (myasthenia gravis, Lambert-Eaton syndrome, with caution - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, neurological diseases resulting from the degeneration of motor neurons and other diseases with disorders of neuromuscular transmission);
- fever;
- acute infectious or non-infectious diseases;
- pregnancy;
- lactation;
- childhood and adolescence under 18 years.
Xeomine is contraindicated during pregnancy. Breastfeeding should be stopped for the duration of treatment.
Occurrence of side effects from Xeomin use is minimal.
Overdose of botulinum toxin, improper actions of the cosmetologist, can lead to the appearance:
- Wellness problems (difficulties with gastrointestinal tract, difficulty breathing, swallowing);
- swelling, soreness, numbness of the injection sites;
- asymmetries, excessive blockage of muscles.
Side effects Xeomin in the treatment of blepharospasm:
Often - ptosis (6.1%), dry eyes (2%), surface keratitis, vergophthalm, irritation, photophobia, tears.
Not often - paresthesia, conjunctivitis, dry mouth, skin rash, headache, muscle weakness, keratitis, ectropy, diplopia, dizziness, diffuse skin rash / dermatitis, turn of the eyelid, focal paralysis of the facial nerve, facial muscle weakness, fatigue, visual impairment, blurred vision.
Rarely - local eyelid skin swelling.
Very rarely - acute closed-angle glaucoma, corneal ulceration.
Side effects Xeomin in the treatment of spastic torticollis:
Often - dysphagia (10%), muscle weakness (1.7%), back pain (1.3%), dizziness, high blood pressure, numbness, general weakness, colds, general malaise, dry mouth, nausea, headache, muscle stiffness, irritation at the injection site, rhinitis, upper respiratory tract infections.
Not often - inflammation or pressure sensations at the injection site, headache, asthenia, increased sweating, tremor, voice oxidation, colitis, vomiting, diarrhea, dry mouth, bone pain, myalgia, skin rashes, itching, flaking of the skin, pain in the eyes.
Symptoms: high doses of Xeomine may lead to the development of marked muscle paralysis in places distant from injection sites (in particular - general weakness, ptosis, diplopia, difficult speech and swallowing, as well as respiratory paralysis, leading to aspiration pneumonia).
Treatment: Hospitalization with general supportive activities is necessary. In case of respiratory paralysis, intubation are necessary up to the normalization of the condition.
No special research on this topic has been conducted. Botox and Xeomin can be used with each other, but the positive effect of this combination has not yet been officially proven.
Some patients mentioned the improvement of the effects of drugs, due to their different mechanism of action.
Xeomin is an analog of Botox, but there are also differences between them. Both drugs contain botulinum toxin and are produced in Germany, but Botox appeared in cosmetology much earlier. It is a toxin of the first generation, so it is less advanced.
Xeomin's advanteges:
- It does not require any special storage conditions;
- it is administered in lower doses;
- has a minimum of adverse reactions;
- does not make the "stone" face.
Which lasts longer Botox or Xeomin?
Both drugs start to work as soon as they are injected into the muscles. Their full effect can only be seen after 7-14 days after injection or longer.
Some studies state that Xeomin work faster and last longer than Botox.
Xeomin begins to work for 2-3 days after the procedure. Full botulinum toxin rises in 2 weeks.
While Xeomin begins the action is prohibited:
- give the body a horizontal position, bend forward, make abrupt movements 4-6 hours after injection;
- touch the puncture sites, wrinkle, rub the skin;
- to feel physical strain;
- sleep face down;
- take a wide range of medications, drink alcohol;
- heat up, steam the skin (massage, bath, sauna, hot shower, natural or artificial UV light).
If there is a feeling of stability of the result, you can gradually return to your usual pastime. It is desirable to exercise excessive physical activity not earlier than in a month. It is recommended to postpone the onset of pregnancy by 2-4 weeks after Xeomin administration.
No special skin care is required after Xeomin injections. It is enough to ensure cleanliness. Wash carefully, without traumatizing puncture sites or rubbing tissue. It is desirable to abandon cosmetics or limit the amount of cosmetics in the first days. It is not recommended to perform additional care procedures (masks, peelings).
botulinum toxin type A 50/100 UI sucrose human serum albumin Xeomin full prescribing information
At temperatures not exceeding 30 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children.Shelf life: 3 years.
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There is no prescription required!
You can legally buy Xeomin on our website without prescription!