Buy Sibutramine
Sibutramine is an appetite suppressant that may be known to you under the brands Meridia, Reductil, Sibutril and others. This drug was discontinued in most countries of the world, but in Russia this drug is still actively used for weight loss and is the most prescribed drug here.
To date, two sibutramine preparations have been certified in Russia, and both are presented on our website - Reduxin and Goldline.
What are the advantages of Sibutramine?
Sibutramine has a unique dual mechanism of action: on the one hand, it accelerates the feeling of satiety, reducing the amount of food consumed, on the other hand, it increases the body's energy consumption. With the help of this and additional measures, you can lose weight without a sharp return of weight after the end of the course.
Sibutramine provides effective and sustainable weight loss by reducing the volume of internal (dangerous) fat and improves metabolism.
Sibutramine provides effective weight loss regardless of gender, age and the presence of concomitant diseases.
You can feel the effect when Sibutramine starts to work. This is not a mythical effect, satiation and hunger reduction occur in the first months of ingestion.
How to take Sibutramine?
The initial dosage of Sibutramine is 10 mg in the morning, every day, regardless of food intake
If body weight during the first month of treatment has decreased by less than 2 kg, it is recommended to increase the dose to 15 mg, provided that it is well tolerated.
The maximum allowed duration of treatment is 1 year.