Buy Humalog online. PayPal
Active ingredient: Insulin lispro.
Other brand names: Liprolog, Admelog, others.
Pharmacological group: hypoglycemic agent.
Humalog is an ultra-short-acting human insulin analog. It regulates glucose metabolism and has anti-catabolic and anabolic effects on various body tissues.
Manufacturer: Lilly France, France.
Release form: solution for intravenous and subcutaneous injection.
The package contains solution for subcutaneous administration of 100 IU/ml and a syringe pen of 3 ml of the preparation in cartridges - 5 pcs.
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Buy Humalog
The indication for Humalog treatment is diabetes mellitus in adults and children, which requires insulin therapy.
However, Humalog is very popular preparation for use in sports, particularly in bodybuilding.
The main effect of insulin is to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood. In bodybuilding, Humalog is used because of its pronounced anabolic effect.
Humalog increases plasma membrane permeability to glucose, activates key enzymes of glycolysis, stimulates formation of glycogen from glucose in liver and muscles, increases synthesis of fats and proteins. In addition, insulin inhibits the activity of enzymes that break down glycogen and fat. That is, in addition to its anabolic action, insulin also has an anti-catabolic effect.
Preparation for Humalog injection
- wash your hands with soap and water;
- check the syringe pen to make sure it contains the correct type of insulin;
- do not use syringe pens with an expiration date on the label;
- always use a new needle for each injection to prevent infection and avoid needle blockage.
Step 1:
Remove the syringe pen cap (do not remove the label of the syringe pen) and wipe the rubber disc with an alcohol-moistened swab.
Step 2:
Check the appearance of the insulin. Humalog® should be clear and colorless. Do not use if it is cloudy, colored, or has particles or clots in it.
Step 3:
Get a new needle. Remove the paper sticker from the outer needle cap.
Step 4:
Place the needle cap directly on the syringe pen and rotate the needle with the cap until it is firmly seated.
Step 5:
Remove the outer needle cap, but do not discard it. Remove the inner needle cap and discard it.
Check the syringe pen for drug inflow.
The syringe flow check is done to remove air from the needle and cartridge that may have accumulated during normal storage and to ensure that the syringe is working properly.
Failure to do this check before each injection can result in either too low or too high a dose of insulin.
Step 6:
To test the syringe pen for drug inflow, set 2 units by rotating the dose button.
Step 7:
Hold the syringe pen with the needle up. Lightly tap the cartridge holder to allow air bubbles to collect at the top.
Step 8:
Continue to hold the syringe pen with the needle up. Press the dispense button until it stops and the dose indicator window shows "0". While holding the dispense button, slowly count to 5. Insulin should appear at the tip of the needle.
- If no drop of insulin appears at the tip of the needle, repeat the steps of checking the syringe pen for the flow of the drug. The test can be carried out no more than 4 times.
- If the insulin still does not appear, change the needle and repeat the flow test of the syringe pen.
Dose Selection
A new needle should be used for each injection and the procedure of checking the syringe pen for drug intake should be repeated.
Step 9:
To draw the correct dose of insulin, turn the dose button. The dose indicator should be in line with the number of units corresponding to the desired dose.
One rotation of the dose button will move 1 unit.
A click is heard each time you rotate the dispense button.
Even numbers are indicated on the scale. Odd numbers, after number 1, are indicated by solid lines.
If there is less insulin left in the syringe pen than needed, the patient will not be able to use the syringe pen to inject the correct dose.
If more units need to be injected than are left in the syringe pen, the patient can:
- inject the volume remaining in the syringe pen and then use a new syringe pen to inject the remaining dose;
- take a new syringe pen and administer the full dose.
Administering the injection
Change (alternate) the injection site with each injection.
Do not try to change the dose during the injection.
Step 10:
Choose the place of injection - insulin is injected subcutaneously into the anterior abdominal wall, buttocks, thighs or shoulders.
Step 11:
Insert the needle under the skin. Press the button to insert the dose as far as it will go. Hold the button to introduce the dose, slowly count to 5, and then remove the needle from the skin.
Do not try to inject insulin by turning the button. No insulin will be injected if you turn the button to inject the dose.
Step 12:
Remove the needle from the skin. It is acceptable if there is a drop of insulin left at the tip of the needle, this does not affect the accuracy of the dose.
Check the number in the dose indicator window:
- if the dose indicator window shows "0", then the full dose has been administered;
- if you do not see "0" in the dose indicator window, do not dose again. Reinsert the needle under the skin and complete the injection;
- if the patient still believes that the full dose has not been administered, do not re-inject.
- if two injections are needed to give the full dose, remember to give the second injection.
If you notice a drop of blood after removing the needle from the skin, gently press a clean gauze napkin or alcohol swab to the injection site. Do not rub the area.
After performing the injection
Step 13:
Carefully put on the outer needle cap.
Step 14:
Unscrew the needle with the cap and dispose of it as described below. Do not store the syringe pen with the needle attached to prevent insulin leakage, needle blockage, and air entering the syringe pen.
Step 15:
Place the cap on the syringe pen by aligning the cap clip with the dose indicator and pushing it in.
Humalog insulin course
This course is suitable for gaining 3-10 kg of muscle mass for 1-2 months, after which you should take a break for at least two months to recover your own secretion.
- Start the course with a 2 IU dose subcutaneously, gradually increasing the dosage by 2 IU.
- Monitor your body's reaction to increasing doses carefully!
- Later on you may increase up to 15-20 IU, larger doses are not recommended.
- The frequency of injections can vary, the most gentle mode of administration is once per two days.
- The duration of the course is 2-2.5 months.
- You can perform injections every day and even 2 times a day, but in this case the duration of the course should not exceed 1.5 months.
- Give the injection 30 minutes before a heavy carbohydrate-rich meal.
- For 1 IU of insulin, you should take in 10g of carbohydrates.
Food after the injection
A healthy person's fasting blood sugar ranges from 3 to 5.5 mmol/l. Each unit of insulin lowers blood sugar by 2.2 mmol/l. If you inject 20 IU of ultra-short-acting insulin, you may end up with hypoglycemia.
In endocrinology there is such a thing as a "bread unit". Regardless of the type and amount of food, whether it is bread or an apple, one bread unit contains 12-15 grams of digestible carbohydrates. It raises blood sugar levels by the same amount - 2.8 mmol/L - and requires an average of 1.5-2 units of insulin for the body to digest.
For 20 IU of insulin, you need to consume 10-15 bread units, which equals 120-150 grams of pure carbohydrates. To take an example, that would be 300-450 grams of white bread.
Humalog injection
Humalog can be injected just before a meal and, if necessary, immediately after a meal.
The drug should be administered at room temperature.
Humalog should be injected subcutaneously into the shoulder, thigh, buttock or abdomen. The injection sites should be alternated so that the same site is not used more than once a month.
When injecting Humalog subcutaneously, care should be taken to avoid getting the drug into a blood vessel. The injection site should not be massaged after the injection.
Side effect related to the main effect of the drug: hypoglycemia.
Severe hypoglycemia may lead to loss of consciousness (hypoglycemic coma) and, in exceptional cases, to death.
Allergic reactions:
local allergic reactions are possible - redness, swelling or itching in the injection site (usually disappear within several days or weeks);
systemic allergic reactions (occur less frequently, but are more serious) - generalized itching, urticaria, angioedema, fever, shortness of breath, BP decrease, tachycardia, increased sweating.
Local reactions: lipodystrophy (fat gain) at the injection site.
Humalog has almost no contraindications. The few contraindications include:
- hypoglycemia;
- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
An overdose of Humalog may lead to hypoglycemia, which is manifested by dullness, apathy, impaired consciousness, tremor, sweating, tachycardia, vomiting, and headache.
Hypoglycemia can usually be corrected by oral glucose administration.
Dose adjustment, diet, or exercise may be necessary.
More severe episodes of hypoglycemia, which are accompanied by coma, seizures or other neurological disorders, are controlled with an intravenous or subcutaneous injection of glucagon or an intravenous injection of concentrated glucose solution.
Maintenance of carbohydrate intake and medical monitoring may be necessary, since hypoglycemia may recur after apparent clinical improvement.
You can buy Humalog in our online pharmacy at the best price, starting from 80$ per package (5 syringe pens).
After subcutaneous injection Humalog starts to work in 15 minutes. The maximum effect is reached after 30-70 minutes.
Its effect lasts from 2 to 5 hours.
The duration of action of the drug is influenced by the administered dose, injection site, blood circulation, body temperature, and physical activity of the patient.
- Low cost of the course
- High quality
- Lack of toxicity, low frequency of side effects, almost no consequences of the course
- Speed of action
- Strong anabolic action
- Can be combined with anabolic steroids and other agents
- No androgenic effect
Insulin does NOT have any toxic effect on the liver or kidneys, and does NOT cause sexual dysfunction (potency).
- Decrease of hypoglycemic action is caused by oral contraceptives, thyroid hormone preparations, corticosteroids, beta-2-stimulants, and danazol.
- Combination with salicylates, sulfonamides, oral hypoglycemic drugs, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, angiotensin 2 receptor blockers, certain angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, octreotide, alcohol enhances the hypoglycemic effect.
- Do not combine with animal insulin or human insulin from other manufacturers.
- Combination with pioglitazone may provoke heart failure.
- If concomitantly taken with beta-adrenoblockers, reserpine, clopheline, symptoms of hypoglycemia may go unnoticed.
You can buy Humalog from our website absolutely legally.
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Due to Quarantine, delivery time may increase slightly, but still delivery remains within reasonable limits and does not exceed the delivery time during Christmas sales.
There is no prescription required!
You can legally buy Humalogon our website without prescription!