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Buy Metaprot 250mg online.


Preparation with adaptogenic action. It has nootropnoy, antihypoxic, antioxidant and immunomodulatory activity, improves tissue regeneration.
Etiltiobenzimidazola hydrobromide.


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Buy Metaprot 250mg

Tuotenumero: 25020
  • Preparation with adaptogenic action. It has nootropnoy, antihypoxic, antioxidant and immunomodulatory activity, improves tissue regeneration.

    The mechanism of action is the activation of RNA synthesis, then proteins, incl. enzyme and related to the immune system. The activation of the synthesis of enzymes of gluconeogenesis, that provide utilization of lactate (factor a, limiting operation) and resynthesis of carbohydrates – a source of energy during intensive loads, which leads to increased physical performance. Increased synthesis of mitochondrial enzymes and structural proteins of the mitochondria provides increased energy production and maintaining a high degree of coupling of oxidation and phosphorylation. Continued high levels of ATP synthesis deficiency of oxygen helps expressed antihypoxic and antiischemic activity.

    It increases synthesis of antioxidant enzymes and has a pronounced antioxidant activity. It increases the body's resistance to the effects of extreme factors – physical exertion, stress, hypoxia, Hyperthermia. Improves performance during exercise.

    It possesses strong action antiastenicheskim, accelerates recovery from extreme impacts.

    The maximum effect is achieved after 1-2 h after dosing, duration – 4-6 no. Against the background of course taking effect usually grows in the first 3-5 days, then steadily maintained at the current level.

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