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Buy Picamilon 50 mg 30 capsules online.


Мanufacturer: Novosibhimpharm,



The drug was synthesized in 1970 in the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Vitamins (Moscow, USSR) VM Kopelevich, LM Shmuilovich and VI Trubnikov. It was introduced into medical practice in 1986. It is the first original domestic nootropy. Currently, the rights to the drug belong to the pharmaceutical company NPK ECHO, Moscow, Russia.

Chemically, it can be considered a combination of a molecule of GABA and nicotinic acid. Pharmacologically, the preparation also combines the properties of these two components.

The drug stimulates redox processes, increases the consumption of oxygen and glucose by the nerve tissue, after ischemia promotes the recovery of the processes of utilization of energy substrates, prevents the increase in the concentration of lactic acid in the brain tissue.

Pikamilon has pronounced vasodilating properties in combination with nootropic and tranquilizing action. The increase in cerebral blood flow under the influence of picamilon is due to a decrease in the tone of the cerebral vessels in the system of carotid and vertebral arteries, pial arterioles, an increase in the volume velocity of cerebral blood flow, expressed by a central depressive effect on the reflex contractile responses of cerebral vessels and somatosympathetic reflexes.

Obviously, the endotelioprotective effects of picamilon are due to the inclusion of nicotinic acid in the structure of the GABA molecule, which exerts a direct myorelaxing action on the vessel wall and improves the pharmacokinetic properties of GABA. It has been proved that picamilon prevents the development of systemic endothelial dysfunction and has endothelial and cardioprotective effects.

Expressed vasoactive properties of the drug, along with a tranquilizing and nootropic effect, make its appointment to patients with vascular lesions of the brain more preferable than the appointment of piracetam and aminalone.


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Buy Picamilon 50mg 30 Capsules

SKU: 503008
  • Apply picamilon (in adults) as a nootropic and vascular tool for disorders of cerebral circulation of mild and moderate severity, with vegetovascular dystonia, with anxiety, fear, irritability, with abstinence in patients with alcoholism, and also to increase resistance to physical and mental stress.

    Use the drug alone or in a complex therapy. Assign inside regardless of food intake.

    In cerebrovascular diseases, a single dose is from 0.02 to 0.05 g 2-3 times a day, daily - 0.06 to 0.15 g. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. It is recommended a repeated course in 5-6 months.

    In complex therapy of depressive conditions in old age picamilon is prescribed in daily doses of 0.04-0.2 g (in 2-3 doses) for 1.5-3 months.

    At an alcoholism in the period of an abstinence appoint in doses of 0,1-0,15 g a day a short course - 6-7 days; with more persistent violations outside of abstinence - in a daily dose of 0.04-0.06 g for 4-5 weeks.

    To restore efficiency and with increased loads, picamilon is prescribed in a daily dose of 0.06-0.08 g for 1-1.5 months.

    With the use of picamilon, irritability, excitement, anxiety, dizziness, headache, mild nausea, an allergic rash, itching of the skin can occur. In this case, you should reduce the dose or cancel the drug.

  • -Disorders of cerebral circulation (acute ischemic, subacute and recovery periods of ischemic stroke, chronic cerebral circulatory failure);
    -vegetovascular dystonia;
    -senile psychosis;
    -alcoholism (the period of withdrawal), acute intoxication with alcohol;
    -craniocerebral trauma;
    -primary open-angle glaucoma (for stabilization of visual function).
    The drug is contraindicated for individual intolerance, acute and chronic kidney disease.

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