Buy Myorelaxant
Muscle relaxants - drugs that reduce the tone of skeletal muscles with a decrease in motor activity up to complete immobilization. Mechanism of action: blockade of H-cholinergic receptors in synapses stops the supply of nerve impulses to skeletal muscles, and the muscles stop contracting. Relaxation goes from the bottom up, from the tips of the toes to the facial muscles. The diaphragm is the last to relax. The recovery of conductivity is reversed.
General indications for the use of muscle relaxants:
Elimination of convulsive syndrome with ineffectiveness of anticonvulsants.
Blockade of defensive reactions to cold in the form of muscle tremors and muscle hypertonicity in artificial hypothermia.
Muscle relaxation during reposition of bone fragments and reduction of dislocations in joints, where there are powerful muscle masses.
Providing conditions for tracheal intubation.
Providing muscle relaxation during surgical interventions to create optimal working conditions for the surgical team without excessive doses of drugs for general anesthesia, as well as the need for muscle relaxation during certain diagnostic procedures performed under general anesthesia (for example, bronchoscopy).
Suppression of spontaneous breathing for the purpose of mechanical ventilation.
General contraindications to the use of muscle relaxants:
Myasthenia gravis,
myasthenic syndrome,
Duchenne or Becker myopathy,
familial periodic paralysis,
lack of conditions for tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation