Buy caverject injections online.
Caverject is a drug of a wide range of pharmacological action, used to treat disorders of erectile function.
Active substance: Alprostadil.
Мanufacturer: Pfizer, Pfizer Mfg. Belgium NV.
Possible analogues: Alprostadil, Caverject Impulse, Muse, Edex, Alprostan, Vasaprostan, VAP 20, VASOSTENOON.
Package Contents:
1 х Vial with powdered Alprostadil
1 x Glass syringe with solvent(bacteriostatic water)
1 x Big needle (22G1 1/2)
1 x Small needle (27G1/2)
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Buy Caverject
1 bottle of lyophilisate contains:
- Active substance: alprostadil -10 µg or 20 µg.
- Excipients: lactose monohydrate (in terms of lactose),
- sodium citrate dihydrate (in terms of sodium citrate).
1 ml of solvent contains:
Benzyl alcohol - 9 mg, water for injection - up to 1 ml.
In order to eliminate erectile disorders in medicine, the drug Caverject (Pfizer, Belgium) is used. Being an analogue of prostaglandin E1, the drug is highly effective. Instructions for use Caverject, which is given in this article, will help doctors and patients to choose the right treatment regimen to achieve the desired result. Information about prices and existing analogues Caverject online will allow you to make a rational choice.
Caverject belongs to the following pharmacological groups of drugs:
- which is prescribed for impaired erection;
- enhance potency;
- means similar to prostaglandin E1;
- vasodilators (vasodilators).
Alprostadil is a synthetic analogue of a natural substance in the body - prostaglandin, which has the following types of pharmacological action:
- relaxation of the muscular wall of blood vessels;
- dilation of blood vessels;
- reduction of blood clots;
- inhibition of adrenoreceptors in the cavernous bodies (with intracavernous administration);
- muscle relaxation in the corpora cavernosa;
- increased blood flow in the cavities of the cavernous bodies of the penis;
- muscle relaxation of the cavernous bodies of the penis;
- obstruction of reverse blood flow from the penis. This mechanism of action allows to block the blood flow in the veins of the penis, thereby increasing its blood circulation;
- ability to achieve an erection;
- preservation of erection during intercourse.
Indications for the purpose and application of Caverject (as described by the manufacturer) are erectile dysfunction and potency in adult men of such forms:
- neurological;
- vascular;
- combined.
The drug Caverject is often prescribed for the test for the diagnosis of erectile abnormalities.
Contraindications to the use of the drug are the following:
- allergy to the drug;
- childhood. The drug is not used in children (boys) under 18 years of age;
- congenital deformities of the penis, including male angina, fibrosis, Peyronie's disease;
- the tendency of a man to have a very long and painful erection;
- sickle cell anemia;
- the presence of penile implants;
- in the presence of diseases in which excessive sexual activity is not recommended (heart attack, stroke, severe heart disease, etc.);
- female. Caverject does not apply to women, including those who are carrying a child, as well as breastfeeding (lactation).
Before you begin treatment for Caverject, it is important to eliminate the above violations.
Methods of use:
The drug in this form of release is intended only for intracavernous injections (into the cavity of the cavernous body in the penis). The dosage of the drug is chosen extremely carefully for each patient individually under the supervision of a doctor. Caverject injection is carried out only with the sterility of disposable needles. It is forbidden to save the remains of medicine to the following injection.
The main stages of Caverject injection (according to manufacturer's annotation):- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
- Remove the protective plastic cap from the vial;
- Wipe the rubber stopper of the vial with one of the attached napkins soaked in alcohol (the used napkin should be discarded);
- Unpack the large needle marked “22 G11 / 2”; without removing the plastic protective cap from the needle, connect it with the syringe, put the base on the syringe neck and press it firmly;
- Remove the protective cap from the needle;
- Remove excess water from the syringe: bring the piston to the “1 ml” mark while holding the syringe vertically, with the needle tip upwards;
- Pierce the rubber stopper of the vial with a needle in the central part, press down on the piston, insert water into the vial;
- While holding the vial and syringe as one unit, gently dissolve the powder completely in light circular motions; do not use the solution if it is cloudy, has acquired a color, or contains any inclusions;
- Without removing the syringe, turn the bottle upside down, make sure that the needle tip is below the level of the solution, slowly pull the plunger toward you until the level of the solution reaches the desired level on the syringe;
- Tap the syringe lightly to remove air bubbles, or pour the solution back into the vial, and then slowly draw it back into the syringe;
- Remove the needle from the vial and gently put a protective cap on it;
- Open the package with a smaller needle marked “27G 1/2”, without taking the needle to put the packaging aside;
- Remove the large needle from the syringe together with the protective cap, set it aside to be thrown away;
- Take the smaller needle from the opened package (holding the syringe in one hand) and, without removing the protective plastic cap from the needle, connect it with the syringe, as previously a large needle was connected;
- The procedure for self-administration of the drug should be carried out in a reclining position, sitting or standing
- Injections should be administered only in one of two areas of the penis, which are called corpus cavernosum, avoiding the needle falling into visible veins; subsequent injections should be carried out alternately in one and the other side of the penis, each time choosing a new point for inserting a needle on the corresponding side;
- With your thumb and forefinger, take the penis by the head and pull it back, firmly holding it with your fingers so that it does not slip out during the procedure; men who did not undergo excision of the foreskin (circumcision) should be removed foreskin to determine the exact location of the injection;
- Carefully handle the skin at the injection site with a second napkin from the kit, soaked in alcohol, then put it to the side;
- Take the syringe with your thumb and forefinger (without placing your thumb on the piston) and with a confident movement, insert the needle into the injection site, indicated by the doctor, at an angle of 90 °;
- Press the plunger with your thumb or index finger and with a slow, confident movement enter the entire contents of the syringe;
- Holding the penis from both sides to extract a needle from it; press the napkin soaked in alcohol to the injection site and hold for about 3 minutes; when blood appears, it is necessary to press the tissue until the bleeding stops;
- Dispose of used packaging contents.
Caverject injection time does not matter. The drug is allowed to use at any time of the day - in the morning (before lunch) or in the evening (after lunch).
Acceptance regimens:
For erectile dysfunction due to neurological disorders, the initial dosage is 1, 25 µg Alprostadil. Further doses of 2.5 and 5 μg are administered. The maximum allowable dose is 10 micrograms. Increasing the dosage should occur only gradually with the control of the patient.
For mixed and vascular forms of erectile dysfunction, the initial dosage is 2.5 mg. If the reaction to the administration of Caverject is sufficient, then the next time is administered 5 μg of the agent. In case of insufficient effectiveness after the first injection, the second dose should be 7.5 μg. A further increase in the amount of the drug is carried out according to indications to achieve an optimal result. It is forbidden to inject a dose of more than 60 μg per dose.
Important! If after applying the initial dose there is no proper effect, then the next injection of Caverject is performed one hour after the previous one. If the effect is positive after the first injection, then the following is only after one day.
The frequency of admission for the specified course of treatment - no more than once a day and no more than three injections during the week. The first injection can only be done by a specialist. All subsequent allowed to carry out at home. The duration of admission is selected individually.
It is important to choose a dose of Caverject, which will allow to achieve an erection lasting at least one hour. If the penis remains in an erect state much longer after an administered dose, this indicates the need to take lower dosages.
In the case of an inappropriate dose selection or a sharp increase in it, the consequences of an overdose of Caverject may develop:
- prolonged erection (more than an hour);
- painful erection.
The main measures of assistance for prolonged erection:
- aspiration of the penis (inserting needles into the cavity of the cavernous bodies and taking a certain volume of blood);
- Adrenaline injection;
- the use of phenylephrine;
- treating a patient with a surgeon.
These measures should be carried out only under the control of the work of the heart and pressure in a man.
If you exceed the dose increases the likelihood of side effects that require symptomatic treatment.
Frequent side effects of the drug:
- pain in the head;
- bruises and cyanosis in the place where the drug was injected;
- swelling of the nasal mucosa;
- bouts of cough due to swelling of the trachea and bronchi;
- muscle pain;
- dizziness;
- pain in the penis;
- excessive erection;
- exacerbation of chronic penile pathologies.
Rare side effects of Caverject are:
- infection of the penis;
- heart rhythm disturbances;
- hypotension;
- nausea;
- dry mucous membranes;
- redness of the skin, especially in the upper body;
- bleeding from the urethra;
- painful urination;
- inflammation of the urethra;
- ejaculation disorders;
- pain and swelling of the scrotum;
- soreness at the injection site.
Compliance with the requirements for administration and doses are the prevention of adverse reactions.
The simultaneous appointment with drugs that are used to enhance erection is prohibited.
Drugs that reduce the effectiveness of Caverject are sympathomimetics (low compatibility).Caverject enhances the effectiveness of such groups of drugs:
- antihypertensives;
- vasodilators;
- antiplatelet agents.
The combination with these drugs is not recommended in order to exclude negative effects on the patient's health.
Our Caverject cost depends on the number of packages you intend to purchase. If you want to make an individual order you can contact us by email: mikhail@russianpharmacy.net