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Buy Chorionic gonadotrophin HCG online:

-5 vials 1000iu and 5 ampoules per 1ml solution for injections;

-5 vials 500iu and 5 ampoules per 1ml solution for injections;

-5 vials 5000iu and 5 ampoules per 1ml solution for injections.


Chorionic gonadotrophin- hormonal drug, excreted from the urine of pregnant women. Has luteinizing and follicle-stimulating action.

Stimulates the synthesis of sex hormones in the ovaries and testicles, ovulation, spermatogenesis, provides the function of the yellow body; stimulates the development of genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics.




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Buy Chorionic gonadotrophin HCG

PrijsVanaf $30,00
  • Hypofunction of the sex glands in men and women, caused by a violation of the hypothalamus and the pituitary.
    In women: anovulatory infertility, lack of a yellow body (in the presence of estrogen function of the ovaries), induction of superovulation with assisted reproductive techniques, habitual miscarriage, threatening spontaneous miscarriage.
    In men: hypogenitalism, eunuchoidism; hypoplasia of testicles, cryptorchidism; adipozogenital syndrome, pituitary fascism, sexual infantilism; oligoasthenospermia, azoospermia.
    For the purpose of differential diagnosis of cryptorchidism and anarchism in boys and with the purpose of evaluating the function of the testicles in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.

  • Intramuscularly.

    Women for induction of ovulation - one-time 5-10 thousand IU, to stimulate the function of the yellow body - 1.5-5 thousand IU for 3-6-9 days after ovulation. To implement "superovulation" in the course of assisted reproductive activities, up to 10 thousand IU once after the induction of growth of multiple follicles, which is achieved as a result of stimulation according to the established scheme. Sampling of the egg is carried out 34-36 hours after administration. With the habitual miscarriage of pregnancy, the introduction begins immediately after the pregnancy is diagnosed (but not later than 8 weeks) and continues until the 14th week of pregnancy inclusive: 1 day - 10 thousand IU, then 5 thousand IU twice a week. If there is a threat of spontaneous miscarriage (if the symptoms appeared in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy) - 10 thousand IU initially, then 5 thousand IU 2 times a week until 14 weeks of pregnancy, inclusive.

    With a delay in the sexual development of boys - 3-5 thousand IU once a week, for at least 3 months.

    For men - 0.5-2 thousand IU once a day 2-3 times a week, for 1.5-3 months. When hypogonadotropic hypogonadism - 1.5-6 thousand IU (in combination with menotropinami) 1 time a week. For the purpose of differential diagnosis of cryptorchidism and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism - once, 5 thousand IU. With cryptorchidism: at the age of 6 years - 0.5-1 thousand IU 2 times a week, for 6 weeks; over 6 years - 1.5 thousand IU 2 times a week, for 6 weeks. With idiopathic normogonadotropic oligospermia, 5,000 IU weekly for 3 months together with menotropins. With oligospermia and asthenospermia due to relative androgen deficiency, 2.5 thousand IU every 5 days or 10 thousand IU once every 2 weeks for 3 months.

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