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Buy Clostilbegyt (Clomid, Clomifene) 50mg 10 tablets online.


Мanufacturer: EGIS Pharmaceuticals PLC, Hungary.


Clostilbegyt (Clomid, Clomifene) is a modern, non-steroidal antiestrogenic drug produced by the Hungarian pharmaceutical company EGIS Pharmaceuticals PLS. The main areas of its application are medical and sports practices. In sports, in particular in bodybuilding, this tool is used by athletes primarily after the course, as well as during the course, to prevent and eliminate the side effects associated with the use of steroids (to increase the level of own testosterone in the body and eliminate / prevent estrogenic side effects). In medicine, however, the drug Clostilbegyt is used mainly to stimulate ovulation and treat diseases, abnormalities that impede the process of conception. Indications for drug use are the following: Stein-Levental syndrome, Chiari-Frommel syndrome, oligomenorrhoea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, ovulation stimulation in anovulatory cycles, galactorrhea not of oncologic origin, and others. You can buy Clostilbegyt in our store in bulk, for this you can contact us using the contact form.


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Buy Clostilbegyt (Clomid, Clomifene) 50mg 10 tablets

  • The active substance found in the preparation is clomifene citrate. This is a known estrogen of synthetic origin with pronounced antiestrogenic properties. In its structural structure and the effects it exhibits, it is most similar to Tamoxifen (also a common antiestrogen).

    Note that the popularity of clomiphene and the preparations created on its basis (Clostilbegyt manufactured by EGIS Pharmaceuticals PLS and others) is due to its inherent positive effect, which is useful both in the medical field (for treating people) and in sports practice (to support athletes , implementing the application of AAS for the purpose of developing and improving the physical form).

    Clostilbegyt, action and properties useful in sports (in bodybuilding and other disciplines when using anabolic and androgenic steroids):

    • Anti-estrogenic qualities - the drug is able to selectively block the binding of estradiol to estrogen receptors in cells without stopping or even slowing down the process of estrogen formation in the body;

    • Restoring the level of own testosterone - the drug promotes the production of hormones LH and FSH, which are directly involved in the development of testosterone and in general are necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

    From the point of view of practice, the effects of the Clostilbegyt tablets, useful in sports, are mainly aimed at preventing and eliminating side effects caused by prolonged use of steroid drugs.

    Specifically, the reception of the described agent, firstly, provides protection from the development and development of estrogenic side effects (fluid retention in the body, gynecomastia). And secondly, this product, showing its effect, fences the athlete from loss of muscular mass and strength indicators (prevents the development of catabolic processes, the manifestation of the "pullback phenomenon", due to the restoration of testosterone levels in the body).

    Note that most Clostilbegyt side effects are almost not inherent. If you follow the recommendations, even a long reception for sports purposes is relatively safe and effective. However, some deviations with a small probability still can manifest themselves. In particular, its use can cause headaches, attacks of nausea, dizziness and hot flashes.

    Storage conditions required by Clostilbegyt 50 mg: storage of the drug should be carried out in a completely dry and dark place inaccessible to light and moisture, at room temperature. Also, for safety, tablets should be safely hidden from pets, if any, and young children.

  • In bodybuilding and other disciplines, the drug described is mainly used as an aid after the AAS course. It is used exclusively by men. Women usually do not use Clostilbegyt tablets for sporting purposes, since there is a possibility of encountering negative phenomena. Men have the same side effects caused by taking this drug, almost do not bother.

    How correctly to take Clostilbegyt (Clomid) for about sports tasks? The scheme is quite simple. In most cases, the drug tablets are used immediately after the completion of the course of anabolic and androgenic steroids. Thus, it is possible to protect the body from the manifestation and development of undesirable consequences (side effects), including the so-called "recoil phenomenon" characterized by loss of the collected strength indicators, muscle mass and, in general, a significant deterioration of the physical form.

    Instruction Clostilbegyt does not say this, but athletes usually use doses of 50 to 150 mg per day for sporting purposes, in particular post-course therapy. Note that the tablets are drunk on a daily basis, inside, are washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid (alcoholic beverages should be avoided).

    Admission Clostilbegyt (50 mg) on ​​post-course therapy (abbreviated PCT) usually lasts about 2-3 full weeks. However, this is not always the case, since the consumed doses, frequency and duration of administration depend largely on the AAS course and the steroid drugs used the day before, and can vary. Also we will say that the described tool in sports can be used not only on PCT, but also directly on the course. In such cases, the usual daily dosage of 50 mg is considered.

    By the way, when using Clostilbegyt, dosing does not cause problems, because it has a convenient content of active substance - 50mg per tablet. It is very difficult to accidentally make a mistake here, because it turns out that to use the recommended doses, you need equal values ​​of the drug: exactly 3 tablets for a dose of 150 milligrams, 2 for a dose of 100 milligrams, 50 milligrams for 1 tablet, and so on.

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