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Buy Genotropin (Somatropin) rhGH injection online 16iu cartridge.


The composition of the solution of Genotropin® 5.3 mg (16 IU) obtained after mixing the contents of both sections of the cartridge by 1 ml:

Active substance: recombinant somatropine 5.3 mg (16 IU)

Auxiliary substances: mannitol - 41 mg, glycine 2.0 mg, sodium dihydrogen phosphate anhydrous (as monohydrate) 0.29 mg, sodium hydrophosphate anhydrous (as dodecahydrate) 0.28 mg, m-cresol 3.0 mg, water for injection - up to 1 ml.


Manufacturer: Vetter Pharma-Fertigung, GmbH & Co. KG





Somatotropin is currently one of the best drugs for prolonged muscle building. While this is the only drug that makes you forget about the bad genetic inheritance. Injection of growth hormone is always a risk because some phenomena are not reversible. But, despite the risk of possible side effects, it remains one of the most favorite drugs in athletes. Growth hormone is surrounded by a mystery aura in its application. Some call it a miracle tool, which in the shortest time gives a gigantic increase in strength and mass. Others consider it completely useless in achieving sports results and explain this by the fact that the drug stimulates the growth of only "dwarfs": children who are lagging behind in physical development. Some think that growth hormones cause in adults terrible deformities of bones in the form of the Habsburg jaw and giant growth. Also there is complete confusion: how to apply growth hormones and in what dosage? Disagreements about hormones are so complex that the reader must have some initial basic information in order to understand the essence of the problem.



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Buy Genotropin

Productcode: 08111716
  • Genotropin® contains syntactized with the help of recombinant technologies somatropin, identical to human growth hormone. In children with deficiency of endogenous growth hormone and Prader-Willi syndrome, somatropin enhances and accelerates the linear growth of the skeleton. In both adults and children, somatropin maintains a normal body structure, stimulating muscle growth and facilitating the mobilization of fat. Visceral adipose tissue is particularly sensitive to somatropin. In addition to stimulating lipolysis, somatropin reduces the flow of triglycerides to the fat stores.


    Somatropin increases the concentration of insulin-like growth factor (IRP-I) and IRP-binding protein (IRFSB-3) in serum.


    In addition to the above properties, the following effects of somatropin were shown:


    Lipid exchange
    Somatropin stimulates the hepatic receptors of low density lipoproteins (LDL) and affects the profile of lipids and lipoproteins in the blood serum. In general, the use of somatropin in patients with a deficiency of growth hormone leads to a decrease in the concentration of LDL and apolipoprotein B in the blood serum. There may also be a decrease in the concentration of total cholesterol.


    Exchange of carbohydrates
    Somatropin increases the concentration of insulin, however, the fasting glucose concentration usually does not change. Children with hypopituitarism may have fasting hypoglycaemia. Somatropin stops this condition.


    Water-salt exchange
    The lack of growth hormone is associated with a decrease in the volume of plasma and tissue fluid. Both these indicators increase rapidly after treatment with somatropin. Somatropin promotes the retention of sodium, potassium and phosphorus.


    Bone Metabolism
    Somatropin stimulates bone metabolism. In patients with growth hormone deficiency and osteoporosis, prolonged treatment with somatropin leads to the restoration of mineral composition and bone density.


    Physical performance
    Treatment with somatropin increases muscle strength and physical endurance. Somatropin also increases cardiac output, but the mechanism of this effect has not yet been elucidated. A certain role in this may play a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance.


    Mental status
    In patients with growth hormone deficiency, there may be a decrease in mental abilities and changes in mental status. Somatropin increases vitality, improves memory and affects the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain.

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