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Buy Heptral (Ademetionine) online. PayPal


Other brands: Heptor.


Pharmacological group: hepatoprotector.


Dosage form: tablets (400 mg, 500 mg), powder lyophilisate with solvent ampoule (400 mg)


Release form: One package of Heptral/Heptor (Ademetionine) consists of 20 tablets or 5 ampules.


Ademetionine is a hepatoprotective agent with antidepressant properties. The active substance of the drug is ademetionine - a biological substance that is part of all tissues and body fluids, but most of it is formed in the liver. Heptral is a source of an active amino acid important for liver function, it stimulates the natural * restoration of the structure of liver cells from the inside. Heptral® helps to eliminate toxins and improve vital liver functions after the 1st week of use.


Indication for use:

  • Alcohol related liver disease;
  • Intrahepatic cholestasis;
  • Fibromyalgia;
  • Depression;
  • Osteoarthritis.


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Buy Heptral (Ademetionine)

PrijsVanaf $75,00
  • Ademetionine belongs to the group of hepatoprotectors, it also has antidepressant activity. It has choleretic and cholekinetic effects, has detoxifying, regenerating, antioxidant, anti-fibrosing and neuroprotective properties. Replenishes the deficiency of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (ademetionine) and stimulates its production in the body, is found in all environments of the body. The highest concentration of ademetionine was found in the liver and brain.

    Plays a key role in the metabolic processes of the body.

    Increases the content of glutamine in the liver, cysteine ​​and taurine in plasma; reduces the content of methionine in serum, normalizing metabolic reactions in the liver. After decarboxylation, it participates in aminopropylation reactions as a precursor of polyamines - putrescine (stimulator of cell regeneration and proliferation of hepatocytes), spermidine and spermine, which are part of the ribosome structure, which reduces the risk of fibrosis. It has a choleretic effect.

    Ademetionine normalizes the synthesis of endogenous phosphatidylcholine in hepatocytes, which increases the fluidity and polarization of membranes. This improves the function of the bile acid transport systems associated with the membranes of hepatocytes and promotes the passage of bile acids into the biliary tract. Effective for intralobular cholestasis (violation of the synthesis and flow of bile).

    Ademetionine reduces the toxicity of bile acids in the hepatocyte, carrying out their conjugation and sulfation. Conjugation with taurine increases the solubility of bile acids and their excretion from the hepatocyte. The process of sulfation of bile acids contributes to the possibility of their elimination by the kidneys, facilitates the passage through the membrane of the hepatocyte and excretion with bile. In addition, the sulfated bile acids themselves additionally protect the membranes of liver cells from the toxic effect of non-sulfated bile acids (present in high concentrations in hepatocytes during intrahepatic cholestasis). In patients with diffuse liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis) with intrahepatic cholestasis syndrome, ademetionine reduces the severity of itching and changes in biochemical parameters, incl. concentration of direct bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase activity, aminotransferases. The choleretic and hepatoprotective effect lasts up to 3 months after stopping treatment.

    It has been shown to be effective in hepatopathies caused by various hepatotoxic drugs.

    Antidepressant activity manifests itself gradually, starting from the end of the first week of treatment, and stabilizes within 2 weeks of treatment.

    A number of studies have confirmed the effectiveness of ademetionine in the treatment of increased fatigue in patients with chronic liver disease. Treatment with ademetionine significantly improved mood in patients with alcoholic liver disease, who simultaneously achieved a positive response from symptoms of increased fatigue. In addition, in patients with alcoholic liver disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with an achieved response to treatment with ademetionine in terms of symptoms of increased fatigue, a significant reduction in symptoms such as icterus of the skin and mucous membranes, malaise and itching was also observed.

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