Buy Hygetropin injection online.
Chromatographic testing was conducted in the laboratory of the "Innovative Pharmaceutical Company Silver Pharm" at the "Institute of Physiology named after IP Pavlov of the Russian Academy of Sciences".
Unique research code: 19C3ECDC.
According to the study, the purity of the substance is at a very high level - 99.42%. And the amount of substance corresponds to the claimed amount, 3.3 mg = 10iu.
You can see the results of the study on the link:
Brand: Hygene
Manufacturer: Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co., LTD
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Buy Hygetropin 100iu kit
Hygetropin - Chinese recombinant human growth hormone, consisting of 191 amino acids, completely coincides in structure with the natural human hormone.