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Buy Tribestan (Tribulus terrestris) online. PayPal


Active ingredient: Tribulus terrestris extract.



Sorvita, Effex Tribulus, Tribulus, Tribestonin, Tribustim


Pharmacological group: Means of Plant Origin.



Tribestan is a herbal medicine, most commonly prescribed in case of male and female infertility, erectile dysfunction, impotence, frigidity and symptoms of menopause. Tribestan also increases the production of anabolic hormones in athletes.



Country of manufacture: Bulgaria.


Manufacturer: Sopharma S.A.


Release form: Film-coated tablets 250mg.



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Buy Tribestan (Tribulus terrestris extract)

PrijsVanaf $80,00
  • Tribestan is used in complex therapy in case of:


    • erectile dysfunction, including a decrease in libido;


    • male and female infertility;


    • impotence;


    • frigidity;


    • dyslipidemia to reduce total cholesterol;


    • menopause symptoms;


    • anabolic hormone production in athletes.



    The drug helps to improve potency, increase testosterone synthesis, increase libido in men and some other indicators of sexual behavior and sexual activity. 


    Tribestan reduces the severity of menopause signs, normalizes nervous tension and overexcitability, and helps to fight insomnia.


    In addition to the treatment of erectile dysfunction, the drug significantly improves the immune system, as well as the body's resistance to the harmful effects of the environment. 


    Tribestan also encourages better fertilization.

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