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About Somatropin/Somatotropin (HGH)

Writer: MikhailMikhail

Growth hormone is a polypeptide consisting of 191 amino acids. It is produced by the human pituitary gland and is secreted with appropriate stimuli (for example, training, sleep, stress, low blood sugar). And here it is important to understand that the released human growth hormone does not directly affect the body itself, but only stimulates the production in the liver and subsequent release of insulin-like growth factors and somatomedins into the blood. They also have different effects on the body. The only problem is that the liver can produce a limited amount of these substances, so that the effect of these substances on the body is limited. If hormones are injected from the outside, they only excite the liver to produce and release these substances into the bloodstream and do not, as mentioned above, have direct effects.

Until the mid-80's there was only an active human form as an exogenous source of administration. It was extracted from the pituitary gland of the deceased, which was extremely costly. When in 1985. the intake of human growth hormone began to be associated with the extremely rare disease of Jakob Kraufalda (brain disease), which faded with dementia and death, then some, but not all manufacturers began taking the drug out of production. Fortunately, science did not doze and created a synthetic hormone growth, which is produced by genetic engineering from transformed muscle cells. And here it is sold in many countries.

The use of human growth hormone has a threefold effect on the athlete in the field of his achievements. First, the growth hormone has a strong anabolic effect, which contributes to the intensive synthesis of proteins, which is expressed in muscle hypertrophy (increase in the size of the muscle cell) and in muscle hyperplasia (an increase in their number). The effect of hyperplasia is extremely interesting, because Steroids do not give it. This is probably the reason why the growth hormone is called the strongest anabolic hormone. Secondly, the growth hormone has a strong effect on the fat burning process. He intensely turns fat into energy, which leads to an intensive disappearance, and this allows the athlete to consume more calories. Thirdly, what often remains unnoticed is that the growth hormone strengthens the connective tissue, tendons, bones and cartilage, and this is probably one of the main reasons for the incredible increase in strength that is observed in some athletes. Athletes of bodybuilding say that the growth hormone protects, thanks to this quality, athletes from damage, if the simultaneous reception of steroids, the force is growing rapidly.

But with all this there are a lot of athletes who have taken growth hormone and have not made any serious progress. There are several explanations for this.

1. The athlete regularly took an inadequate amount of the hormone, and, moreover, also for a short time. This is due to the fact that the growth hormone is a very expensive drug and for many in the required dose is not financially available.

2. With the use of samatotropin, the body's need for a hormone of the thyroid gland, insulin, corticosteroids, gonadotropins, estrogens, and also in androgen hormones increases. This is the reason that the growth hormone, taken as the only drug, is not very effective. To show its phenomenal anabolic properties, somatotropin can only with the joint administration of steroids, thyroid hormone and insulin (see Insulin). Only in this case the liver can produce and release the optimal amount of somatomedins and insulin-like growth factors. This anabolic formula can be further strengthened by the simultaneous administration of substances with anti-catabolic properties, steroid and clenbuterol. Only then comes the synergistic effect.

And yet again we return to the anabolic formula: somatotropic hormone, insulin and L-T3. Most athletes took a somatotropic hormone during the pre-competition phase, i.e. in the phase of a diet with a reduced number of calories. In this phase, the body reduces the production of insulin and the thyroid hormone L-T3. And as described in paragraph 2 above, this is not the best condition for the operation of a somatotropic hormone. Those who combine the growth hormone with Clenbuterol should know that Clenbuterol (like Ephedrine) also reduces its own production of insulin and L-T3. We admit that everything written here is difficult enough to understand, but it is necessary to know this in order to achieve the maximum effect from the use of somatotropin. It is necessary to understand that growth hormone has an effect on very many hormones of the human body, and this makes a simple scheme of reception impossible.

Before we move on to the extremely difficult subject of dosages and dosage regimens, the question arises: who generally takes growth hormones? Athletes of almost all power and high-speed sports, as evidenced by quotations: "Charlie Francis, Canadian trainer of the athlete Ben Johnson told how Ben and numerous athletes of the Olympic Games broke out with growth hormones forward." Francis has a convincing argument in favor of using the stars of track and field in the USA growth hormones. In a short, not for the press, conversation with a professional bodybuilding athlete named Gary Stridem, this incredibly massive athlete made it clear that he was absolutely sure that the somat almost all bodybuilding professionals use the trophies, and he added that he has nothing to fear from doping control until he is tested for growth hormones. " Professional football player Pile Alzaf, who died of a brain tumor (author's note: there is a version that he may have died from Jacob Kreuzfeld's disease), admitted shortly before his death that he took hormones for 16 weeks, and stated that 80% of American professional football players are also taking somatotropin. "Many of the best fighters use growth hormones, while paying thousands of dollars a year." In connection with the fact that top athletes are often accused of taking hormones of growth, it only fuels interest in them in non-professional circles. (Daniel Ducian, Handbook of Underground Steroidism).

The question of the correct dosage and duration of administration is difficult to answer. Because there have been no scientific studies on the effect of growth hormone on athletes, so here you can only come from experience. In pituitary insufficiency of growth, caused by the lack or insufficient release of growth hormones by the pituitary gland, manufacturers advise: a weekly dose of an average of 0.6 me / kg of weight. Those. A 100kg athlete would have to receive 60me weekly in injections. At the same time, the dose would be divided into 3 intramuscular injections for 20me within a week. Another way to take: subcutaneous injections, which must be administered daily, most often 8m per day. Top-athletes who have enough money are accepted daily 4-8. Because Growth hormone has a half-life of less than an hour, many athletes share their daily dose of 2-3 small subcutaneous injections at 2m. The introduction of regular small doses is considered more effective. On that there are reasons. As we know, the growth hormone stimulates the liver to produce and release somatomedins and insulin-like factors that cause the desired effects in the body. Because the liver can produce only a limited amount of these two substances, one can doubt that with large injections the liver is able to produce immediately the appropriate amount of somatomedins and insulin-like growth factors. Therefore, the liver responds better to frequent and small doses. Who introduces a solution of growth hormone in the same place, notice that the site of injection is the disappearance of adipose tissue. Therefore, the site of the injection should be constantly changed to avoid local lipotrophy (the disappearance of adipose tissue). For several years, it turned out that the action of the growth hormone strongly depends on the dosage. This means the following: either stock up on the money and take it right, or you just throw money away.

The effective dose is 4-8m per day. For comparison: the pituitary gland of a healthy adult daily releases 0.5-1.5 mm of growth hormones. Duration of admission is often dependent on the financial capabilities of the athlete. Judging by experience, the growth hormone is taken most often from at least 6 weeks to several months.

It is interesting that the effect of the hormone does not decrease after several weeks, therefore, at the same dosage, permanent increments are achieved. Bodybuilding athletes who have a positive experience with the use of growth hormone, say that the accumulated strength and, especially, the musculature mostly remain after the end of the hormone intake. American doctor Dr. William N. Taylor confirms this in his book "Anabolic steroids and athletes," where you can read: "The statements of the athletes that the achieved strength and weight after the end of the hormone intake persist means an increase in the number of muscle cells (hyperplasia). Essences, strength and muscles can grow further after months, because through training the muscle hypertrophy stimulated by them is transferred to newly acquired muscle cells. "

The undesirable effect of growth hormones, the so-called side effects, is a very interesting topic that provokes heated discussions. First of all, it should be said that the growth hormone causes side effects that are not similar to those observed with anabolic / androgenic steroids, such as: decreased testosterone production, acne, hair loss, aggressiveness, increased levels of estrogens, the phenomenon of virilization in women , enhanced water-salt retention, etc.

There are two main problems: first, it is a possible lack of sugar in the blood, and the second, a possible hypothyroidism of the thyroid, so it can not be used for diabetes and thyroid disorders. In very rare cases, the formation of antibodies occurs several months after the start of taking growth hormone. And what about the horrible stories about acromegaly, deformities of bones increasing the heart, problems with various organs, gigantism and premature death? To answer this, it is necessary to draw a line between taking hormones in pre- and post-puertant periods. Growth is possible if a person is in the pre-aborted period. Afterwards, bone growths are not possible due to endogenous hypersecretion of growth hormones, nor due to excessive exogenous influx of growth hormone. People who suffer from endogenous hypersecretion during the post-puertan period and with normal complete growth may experience acromegaly, i.e. bones become thicker, wider, but not longer. Sometimes there is some growth in the hands and feet, as well as an increase in facial features due to the growth of the lower jaw and nose. The heart muscle and kidneys can increase in volume and weight, which can sometimes lead to diabetes and heart disease, which theoretically can lead to death. This is what media outlets are speculating about, they are presenting extreme cases with sick people as intimidating examples and for hammering athletes about what fate awaits them when taking hormones of growth. And yet it is so unlikely, as reality has shown, that these examples should not be taken into account. Among the numerous athletes taking somatotropin, relatively few two-meter Neanderthals with an extended jaw and 56 foot size. To avoid misunderstandings, we do not want to mitigate the side effects that occur in healthy adults, but we want to try to explain that acromegaly, diabetes, myocardial hypertrophy, high blood pressure, kidney and liver growth can theoretically arise with excessive and long-term admission of growth hormone. But in practice they are extremely rare. More frequent problems with the growth hormone arise, judging by experience, when the athlete intends to additionally administer insulin and does not do it correctly. The active substance somatotropin is a dry powder and must be diluted with an applied solution in an ampoule before injection. The ready solution should be immediately introduced, or should be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 24 hours. Advised to store in the refrigerator and unused drug. The biological activity of growth hormones when stored at room temperature (15-25 ° C) for up to 4 weeks does not decrease, and yet a cool place (2-8 ° C) should be preferred.



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