Intramuscularly, in the gluteus muscle, alternating the buttocks.
Vivitrol should be administered by qualified medical personnel using only the components available in the package. Do not replace packaging components.
The recommended dose of the drug Vivitrol is 380 mg intramuscularly 1 time in 4 weeks or 1 time per month.
Vivitrol should not be administered intravenously!
If the patient misses the next dose, the next injection should be done as soon as possible. Before using the drug Vivitrol does not require oral administration of naltrexone.
Resumption of treatment after the break. Data on the resumption of treatment after the break are not available.
Transfer of patients with alcohol dependence from oral naltrexone to Vivitrol. There is no systematic data on the transfer of patients from oral naltrexone to Vivitrol.
Guidelines for the preparation of suspensions
To prepare the suspension, use only the supplied solvent. The drug should be injected only with the supplied needle. All components of the package - a bottle of powder, a bottle of solvent, a needle for preparing the suspension and a needle for injection with a protective cap - are necessary for the injection of the drug. The kit also contains a spare needle for injection with a protective cap. Do not replace the supplied components. To ensure accurate dosing, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for the preparation and administration of the drug. You must follow the rules of asepsis.
1. The composition of the kit for the preparation of suspensions

2. The procedure for the preparation of suspensions

- before use, take the package with the product out of the refrigerator and allow it to warm to room temperature (about 45 minutes);
- to facilitate mixing, tap the bottom of the bottle with the powder on a hard surface to loosen the powder;
- remove the aluminum caps from both bottles (do not use the drug if the bottle caps are damaged or missing);
- wipe the neck of the bottles with an alcohol wipe;
- put on a short needle for preparing the suspension on a syringe and take 3.4 ml of the solvent from the solvent bottle (some amount of solvent will remain in the bottle);
- enter 3.4 ml of solvent into the vial of powder;
- mix the solvent and powder, shaking the vial vigorously for about 1 minute. Before proceeding, make sure that the suspension is homogeneous. A properly mixed suspension should be milky white, lump free and flow freely along the walls of the vial.
3. The order of the suspension set

- immediately after preparation, take 4.2 ml of the suspension into a syringe using a needle to prepare the suspension;
- remove this needle and put a needle on the syringe for injection;
- before injection, tap on the syringe to release air bubbles, then gently press on the piston until 4 ml of the suspension remains in the syringe. Suspension ready for immediate administration.
4. The order of introduction of the suspension

- the needle of the syringe is injected deep into the gluteus muscle; after that, with a suction movement of the piston, it is checked whether the needle has fallen into the vessel (if it does, blood is thrown into the syringe). If blood appears, repeat the procedure after replacing the needle with a spare one;
- the drug is administered in a smooth movement deep into the gluteus muscle. The suspension is injected alternately into different buttocks.
Vivitrol can not be administered intravenously and subcutaneously.
5. Dispose of used and unused packaging components.

- after the introduction of the drug, close the needle with a protective cap, pressing it with one hand to a solid surface and keeping it away from you (using a protective cap prevents splashing of liquid that may remain on the needle after injection);
- discard used and unused packaging components.