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Buy Hypoxen 250mg 30 caps online.


Мanufacturer: Olifen corp,



Hypoxen was synthesized in the mid-1970s jointly by the Institute of Macromolecular Compounds and the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Particularly Clean Preparations, underwent numerous clinical trials in institutions such as: VMEDA im. SM Kirov, Research Institute of Cardiology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, IP Pavlov, Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, (St. AV Vishnevsky, Research Institute. PA Herzen, the Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine of the Russian State Medical University (Moscow), etc. Since 1996, it has been authorized for medical use. Historically, in order of chronology, it was called the Biotope, Polifen, Oliphen, Hypoxen (2000). The Latin name is Hypoxenum.


Prevents the development of reactions of lipid peroxidation, stimulates the destruction of peroxidation products. In post-hypoxic period promotes rapid oxidation of accumulated reduced equivalents - nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP, NADPH2), optimizes the work of mitochondria and improves tissue respiration. It maintains a high level of tissue respiration and aerobic processes in the mitochondria, neutralizes the negative effects of hypoxia, increases tolerance to physical and mental stress.


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Buy Hypoxen

  • To improve performance in extreme and unfavorable conditions, accompanied by a lack of oxygen (highlands, conditions in the Arctic, underwater works, etc.); mental and physical overstrain, operator activity and other heavy loads, accompanied by chronic fatigue and fatigue; in the complex therapy of severe traumatic lesions, blood loss, extensive surgical interventions, respiratory diseases (bronchial asthma, pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis); in the complex therapy of stable angina pectoris (prevention of angina attacks), arterial hypertension, chronic cardiac insufficiency I and II of NYHA.

  • Use in adults inside, before or during meals, with a little water. A single dose for adults is 2-4 capsules.
    Maximum daily dose of 12 capsules. Calculation of the daily dose per body weight.

    Body weight (kg)           Daily dose (capsules)
    60-70                                3-4
    70-80                                4-6
    80-90                                6-8
    90-100                              8-10
    100-120                            10-12
    Elimination of hypoxia developing in extreme conditions: hypoventilation of the lungs, high mountains, underwater work, work in conditions of high temperature, exercise: 1 daily dose for 30-60 minutes before the load.
    Prolonged mental activity, chronic fatigue, reduction of the recovery period after excessive physical exertion, injuries, surgical interventions: ½ daily dose 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks. The courses can be repeated with a break for 1-2 weeks.
    Complex treatment of pneumonia: ½ daily dose 2 times a day, course 14 days.
    Complex treatment of obstructive bronchitis: according to Vi daily dose 2 times a day - 2 courses for 14 days with an interval of 7 days.
    Complex treatment of bronchial asthma: ½ daily dose 2 times a day; courses for 21-30 days with an interval of 10 days.
    Complex prophylaxis of stable angina pectoris: ½ daily dose 2 times a day, course 15-30 days with an interval of 10 days.
    Complex treatment of essential hypertension: ½ daily dose 2 times a day, course 10 days.
    Complex treatment of heart failure: Ug daily dose 2 times a day, course 10-14 days.

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