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Buy Metformin Long online. PayPal


Pharmacological group: Antidiabetic agents - biguanides.


Dosage form: tablets (500 mg, 750 mg, 1000 mg).


Release form: One package of Metformin Long consists of 30 or 60 tablets.


This is the extended-release (long-acting) form of Metformin.


Metformin hydrochloride is a tablet preparation for diabetes mellitus of the biguanide class, which has the ability to reduce weight, so it is often used to burn fat.
Available in the market: Metformin, Siofor, Bagomet, Metfogamma, Glicon, Metaspanin, Gliiformin, Gliminfor, Sofamet, Formethine, Langerin, Metadiene, Formin Pliva, NovoFormin, Diaformin.
Metformin does not cause harm to health, unlike most other fat burners.
Metformin reduces the level of harmful cholesterol and glucose, which often increase with excess weight.

A new study by the University of Cardiff, UK, 2014, which involved 180,000 people, showed that metformin improves the quality of life not only in patients with diabetes, but also in people who do not suffer from this disease. In addition, data were obtained on the slowing down of aging processes on the background of treatment.


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Buy Metformin Long

PriceFrom $35.00
    • For patients who did not take metformin before, the recommended initial dose of Metformin Long is 500, 750 or 1000 mg once a day during dinner.
    • Depending on the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma, a slow increase in the dose (by 500 mg) is possible every 10-15 days, until the maximum daily dose (2000 mg) is reached. Slow increase in dose helps reduce side effects from the digestive tract.
    • The recommended dose of Metformin Long is 2 tablets 750 mg once a day. If, when taking the recommended dose, you can not achieve adequate control of glycemia, it is possible to increase the dose to a maximum of 3 tables of 750 mg of Metformin Long once a day.
    • Metformin Long 1000 mg is prescribed as a maintenance therapy for patients taking metformin in the form of tablets with normal release at a dose of 1000 or 2000 mg.
    • For patients already receiving metformin treatment, the initial dose of Metformin Long should be equivalent to the daily dose of tablets with normal release.
    • Patients taking metformin in the form of tablets with the usual release of the active ingredient at a dose exceeding 2000 mg are not recommended to switch to Metformin Long.
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