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Buy SR-9011 (Recardin) online. PayPal


Pharmacological group: Selective androgen receptor modulator (SARMs).


Dosage form: capsule (15 mg).


Manufacturer: Epic Labs.


Release form: One package of SR-9011 (Recardin) consists of 60 capsules.


Recardin is selective modulator of nuclear receptors Rev-Erb in the hypothalamus, skeletal muscles, liver and adipose tissue, which are responsible for the regulation of circadian rhythms of metabolism. The main effect of the drug is to accelerate metabolism and aerobic reactions, during which fats and carbohydrates are broken down with the release of energy ATP. SR9011 is especially effective in training cycles aimed at weight loss, drying, relief detailing. It is also used in basic courses for the development of lean mass, endurance and strength.


SR9011 was invented based on SR9009. The goal was to get a compound that is essentially the same as Stenabolic, but with much better bioavailability (the higher the bioavailability of the drug, the less it will be lost during absorption and use by the body). SR9011 has a much higher bioavailability which means it is a more potent version of SR9009. Otherwise, SR9011 works the same as Stenabolic and has the same side effects and benefits. Stenabolic is more popular only because it was synthesized much earlier, and many people do not even know about the existence of SR9011.


The drug is not detected by doping tests.


Effects of use:

  • Increased calorie expenditure;
  • Increased muscle energy stores;
  • Improvement of fat metabolism, normalization of blood lipid profile;
  • Reducing blood sugar, improving carbohydrate metabolism.




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Buy SR-9011 (Recardin)

  • First, let's figure out what a specific nuclear receptor Rev-Erb is. This intracellular receptor is a protein molecule that is located in the nucleus and is involved in the regulation of the circadian rhythm of gene expression that affects many biochemical processes. Among the processes "dependent" on Rev-Erb are energy, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. The intensity of physiological processes changes during the day: metabolism accelerates during the day and slows down in the evening hours, reaching minimum values ​​late at night. Circadian rhythms of activity, which are often called circadian, are regulated by many mechanisms, including nuclear receptors (for example, Rev-Erb). Activation of Rev-Erb leads to the expression of genes that encode proteins of enzyme systems involved in metabolism. Under natural conditions, Rev-Erb activity increases during the day and decreases at night, which is manifested by the above-mentioned changes in the rates of basic metabolism. Reckardin is a selective Rev-Erb modulator. As an agonist (stimulant) of this nuclear receptor, Reckardin promotes the activation of genes that affect the rate of metabolic processes, regardless of the time of day. Taking Recardin is accompanied by an increase in the rate of energy, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. The indicators of the basic metabolism increase, the breakdown of fatty acids and glucose in the reactions of aerobic synthesis of ATP is accelerated.

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