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Buy Clenbuterol cycle with Ketotifen online. 
Duration of the course - 30 days
. Efficiency - high. Risk of side effects - low.
Manufacturer: Sopharma.
Clenbuterol is a medication that is used to treat asthma. Clenbuterol is the best among the drugs of the sports pharmacology series to burn subcutaneous fat, and also provokes muscle growth. Clenbuterol in bodybuilding is also used to protect your muscles from breaking down during weight loss. 
Taking Clenbuterol and Ketotifen together allows the receptors that are responsible for burning fat not to lose sensitivity. Clenbuterol should be taken in the Nord and Ketotifen in the evening. In addition, Ketotifen helps to eliminate mental agitation, tremors of the extremities, insomnia and heart palpitations. With the help of ketotifen, you can accelerate the process of weight loss or cutting by 10-20% and prolong the course to 8 weeks.
Check out our other Clenbuterol cycles: The course of clenbuterol; The course of clenbuterol + T4 + yohimbine.
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Buy Clenbuterol cycle with Ketotifen

  • The course includes:

    - 3 packs of Clenbuterol for 50 tablets (20mcg);

    - 2 packs of Ketotifen 30 tablets (1mg).


    day 1: 20 μg clenbuterol;

    day 2: 40 μg clenbuterol; 

    day 3: 60 μg clenbuterol; 

    day 4: 80 μg clenbuterol;

    day 5: 100 μg clenbuterol + 1 mg ketotifen; 

    day 6-27: 120 μg clenbuterol + 2 mg ketotifen; 

    day 28: 80 μg clenbuterol + 2 mg ketotifen; 

    day 29: 50 μg clenbuterol + 1-2 mg ketotifen; 

    day 30: 33-35 μg clenbuterol + 1 mg ketotifen at least two weeks break Ketotifen is taken at night, clenbuterol - in the morning.


    Do not forget to take enough protein, BCAA and other cortisol blockers during the cycle, this will significantly improve the result. Observe the appropriate diet for weight loss or cutting.

    The distribution of doses is the same as in the course # 1.


    About Ketotifen


    Ketotifen is an antiallergic drug, with a unique ability to restore the sensitivity of beta-2-adrenergic receptors to clenbuterol. This property has been repeatedly proven in studies involving not only patients with asthma, but also isolated lymphocytes. The mechanism of this effect is obviously related not to histamine receptors, but to inhibition of phosphodiesterase, which regulates cAMP-dependent metabolism of all cells, which allows extrapolating the results obtained with lymphocytes to adipose tissue. Similar effects of receptor sensitization have been observed in Ketotifen and other beta-agonists, as confirmed by a large number of studies.

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